

Alright, so to start, sit up, and I think this is called Ardha Padmasana, for thoseof you who are comfortable, and whatever level of comfort you're able to do it.好的,开始坐起来,我认为这被称为半莲座,对于那些舒适的人来说,无论你能达到什么舒适度。

So if you take one leg, it could be your right leg or your left leg, cross it over on topof your thigh and bring it towards your, bring it towards your groins, and then just letit sit and hang.所以如果你拿一条腿,可以是你的右腿或左腿,交叉放在大腿上并向你的腹股沟靠近,然后让它自然放松挂着。

And the idea is not to stretch, not to forward bend, not to do anything like that, but justto see how comfortably can you sit here in this half lotus position.这里的重点不是拉伸,也不是前倾弯腰,也不是做任何那样的动作,而是看看你能在这个半莲座姿势中舒服地坐多久。

So one thing to measure is how high up off the ground is your knee.因此,要衡量的一件事是你的膝盖离地面有多高。

Yes, so in Iyengar or whatever you'd prop it up and you'd do a thing, but for this it'sjust a measurement, how high up, how close can you get it, how comfortable is it.是的,在艾杨格或其他地方,你会支撑它,然后做一些动作,但在这里只是测量,看看能有多高,能靠近多近,有多舒适。

You could even try just seeing, hey, how easy is it, how much work does it take tobring the foot closer and further away.你甚至可以尝试看看,嘿,这有多容易,需要多少力气才能把脚靠近或远离。

It's just something you could measure.这只是你可以测量的一些事情。

Another thing you could do is you could take your ankle and leave it like right just aboveyour knee and sit there and see, okay, again, where's the knee, how am I sitting on thepelvis, does the pelvis roll back like this, or can you be tall on the sit's bones, orhow does that vary.另一件事是,你可以把你的脚踝放在膝盖正上方,坐在那里看看,好的,再次看看膝盖在哪里,我如何坐在骨盆上,骨盆是否像这样向后滚动,或者你能否坐得直挺,或者这些有什么不同。

And maybe even if you just went left and right a little bit, how easy that is.甚至,你可以稍微左右移动一下,看看这有多容易。

And then register it and measure these things for yourself, try and remember.然后记录下来,为自己测量这些事物,尽量记住。

I'm sure most of you guys are like, oh yeah, this is really familiar, I know what thisis like.我相信你们大多数人会觉得,哦,是的,这很熟悉,我知道这感觉。

And then switch the legs and just see how's it different on the other side and I'm sureeverybody knows they're more comfortable side and they're less comfortable side.然后换腿,看看另一侧有何不同,我相信每个人都知道自己更舒服的一侧和不太舒服的一侧。

This for me is my less comfortable, my less comfortable side.对我来说,这是我较不舒服的一侧。

And so you can measure the height of the knee, you can measure, use the feeling of tightnessin your, you know, within your pelvis.因此,你可以测量膝盖的高度,你可以使用你的骨盆内部的紧张感来测量。

How far back you're sitting, I have to sit further back on this side than I can on theother side.你坐得有多远后面,我必须在这一侧坐得更远,而在另一侧我坐不了这么远。

Does it hurt?疼吗?

Does it hurt when you pop it?弹开时疼吗?



It doesn't, pops don't necessarily mean.不痛,声响不一定意味着。

And then, you know, like just, you know, to roll side to side, you know, and so you justget a measurement of it.然后你知道,侧向滚动一下,这样你就能测量一下。

Just doing that, like my knee has already dropped a little bit, you know.就这样做一下,我的膝盖已经稍微下降了,你知道。

And then, we'll begin ATM, which means lie on your back.然后我们将开始ATM体位法,也就是躺在背上。

Just remember those things because at the end of class, we'll check it again.记住这些事情,因为课程结束时,我们会再次检查。

And you know, things aren't supposed to be goal oriented here, but it's nice to measurethings before and after.你知道,这里不应该有目标导向,但是在之前和之后测量事物是很好的。

And being able to have your knee in half lotus does not make you a better person or a worseperson or anything like that, but it's just neat to check out.能够将膝盖放在半莲座上并不会使你成为一个更好或更差的人,但是检查一下还是挺有意思的。

So as you're lying on your back, begin to scan the contact that the back of your pelvisis making with the floor.所以当你躺在背上时,开始扫描你的骨盆背面与地板的接触。

Notice if perhaps one side of the pelvis is pressing more into the floor than the other.注意看看骨盆的一侧是否比另一侧更多地压在地板上。

Notice if perhaps one side of the pelvis is maybe hiked up, so pulled up towards one armpitmore than the other.注意看看骨盆的一侧是否可能抬高,是否朝向一个腋窝更多地拉起。

That would be if you were to draw a line along your waist on the floor.这将是如果你在地板上沿着你的腰画一条线的情况。

How perpendicular would that be to your spine?这条线对于你的脊柱是多么垂直?

You don't need to fix it or adjust it or anything, it's just to make this map.你不需要修复或调整它,只是为了做这个映射。

And then slowly begin to scan up your spine, noticing where you're making contact, noticingthe level of contact, the amount of pressure as you go up the spine.然后慢慢开始扫描你的脊柱,注意你在哪里接触到,注意随着你沿着脊柱上升的接触水平,压力的大小。

And then scan your two shoulders.然后扫描你的两个肩膀。

Does one shoulder have a greater, do you have a greater sense of awareness of one shoulderthan the other?你是否对其中一个肩膀的感知更强烈?

Is there any symmetry between what you notice in your shoulders and what you notice withyour pelvis?你的肩膀和骨盆之间有没有对称性?

And then bring your attention back down towards your pelvis and to how your legs are growingout of your pelvis.然后把注意力放回你的骨盆和你的腿是如何从骨盆长出来的。

So there's a number of things that you can notice that could be noticed, but I'm goingto draw your attention to two in particular.因此,有许多你可以注意到的事情,但我要特别引起你的注意的是两件事。

The first is, if you were to draw a line or have a yardstick coming down the center lineof your body, so through your spine, penetrating, coming out your groins and straight down belowyou, how far apart, what would be the distance from that yardstick to your left leg and toyour right leg?首先,如果你要在你身体的中心线上画一条线或拿一把尺子,穿过你的脊柱,穿过你的腹股沟,直直地延伸到你的下方,那么从那条线到你的左腿和右腿的距离会有多远?

So for example, if your feet were touching as you're lying on the floor, there'd beno separation and if your feet were really wide, there'd be a big separation.例如,如果你躺在地板上时你的脚碰在一起,那么它们之间就没有间隙,如果你的脚很宽,它们之间会有很大的间隙。

So just map that out, get a sense for that.所以简单地映射出来,感受一下。

And then see if you can get a sense for, is one leg closer to the midline than the other?然后看看你是否能感觉到,哪条腿比另一条腿更接近中线?

Which leg would be?哪条腿会更接近?

Or maybe they're equal in your sense of, in your self-image.或者它们在你的感觉中是平等的,是你自我形象中的。

And the other thing to pay attention to is what in dance they would call the turnoutof your feet as you're lying on your back.另一件要注意的事情是,在你躺在背上时,他们在舞蹈中会称为你脚的外展。

So what that means is that as you lie on your back, your legs naturally want to externallyrotate.这意味着当你躺在背上时,你的腿自然会向外旋转。

It means your kneecaps will want to face not straight up to the ceiling, but they'll wantto face out towards the sides.这意味着你的膝盖不会面对天花板直上方,而是会向外侧。

And your toes will also point out towards the sides.你的脚趾也会朝向侧面。

And as you do that, your feet will make contact not directly in the back of your heels, buton the outside edges, toward the outside edge of your heel, depending.当你这样做时,你的脚不会直接接触到脚后跟的后部,而是接触到外侧边缘,靠近脚后跟的外侧边缘,具体取决于情况。

So notice how each leg and foot are turned out.所以注意每条腿和脚是如何外展的。

How they lie externally rotated like this.它们如何像这样外旋。

And how are they different?它们有什么不同?

And then see if there's any symmetry between, or any relationship between how turned outthe feet are and when you were sitting up and doing half lotus pose, Ardha Padmasana,which side was easier?然后看看脚外展的程度与你坐着做半莲座姿势Ardha Padmasana时,哪一侧更容易之间是否有对称性或任何关系?


Now let's bring both feet to standing.

现在让我们把双脚放到站立姿势。That means the feet are on the floor and the knees are pointed towards the ceiling.这意味着双脚放在地板上,膝盖指向天花板。

Arms are comfortably at your side.手臂舒适地放在身体两侧。

Your feet are a nice, comfortable hip distance apart, roughly, but whatever's good for you.你的双脚舒适地相距大约臀部宽度,但适合你的方式。

Now I'm going to give the directions, starting with the right side.现在我将给出指导,从右侧开始。

If let's say your right hip joint is just way tighter than your left hip joint, then I would recommend reversing my directions and switching the legs.如果你的右髋关节比左髋关节紧张得多,那么我建议反转我的指导并交换双腿。

But it's up to you.但这取决于你。

So now please take your right foot and cross the right ankle over the left knee.现在请把右脚放在左膝盖上方交叉。

And just let it relax there.然后让它放松在那里。

In this position, which is a little bit similar to the hip opening positions, this is actually in PT, a type of hip opening stretch, where people use this as a basis of a hip opening stretch by lifting the lower leg and bringing it closer to the body.在这个位置上,有点类似于髋部打开的姿势,实际上在物理治疗中,这是一种髋部打开伸展的类型,人们通过抬起下肢并将其靠近身体来使用这种基础的髋部伸展。

We're not going to do that.我们不会这样做。

But map out for yourself.但请自己映射一下。

Notice where your right knee is in space.注意你的右膝盖在空间中的位置。

The angle that the lower leg is making across to the left knee.下肢与左膝盖之间形成的角度。

The angle that the upper part of the right leg is making coming out of the pelvis.右大腿上部从骨盆中伸出的角度。

Notice the contact, the back of the pelvis, with the floor.注意骨盆背面与地板的接触。

Now in this position, slowly bring the knee just a little bit towards you, as if you wanted to bring it towards your face.现在在这个姿势中,慢慢地把膝盖稍微朝向你,就像你想要把它靠近你的脸一样。

Just a little bit, an inch or two, and let it come back.只是一点点,一两英寸,然后让它回来。

And just repeat that motion.然后重复这个动作。

So the left leg stays quiet, stays standing on the floor, and you just bring that right knee a little bit towards you, and then you let it fall back.所以左腿保持静止,稳稳地站在地板上,你只是把右膝盖稍微靠近你,然后让它回来。

So all you're doing is mobilizing a little bit in the hip joint on the right side of your pelvis, letting it come back.所以你所做的就是在你的骨盆右侧的髋关节中稍微移动,让它回来。

And as much as possible, everything else stays quiet.尽可能地,其他部分保持静止。

Your pelvis stays quiet, your left leg stays quiet.你的骨盆保持静止,左腿保持静止。

And now as you bring that right knee back, so you bring it a little bit closer towards your face perhaps, and you bring it back, see if you can push it away just a little bit as well.现在当你把右膝盖拉回来时,你可以让它稍微靠近你的脸,然后再次拉回来,看看是否也能稍微将其推开一点。

So it goes a little bit away, and you bring it back, and it comes a little bit away.所以它稍微离开一点,然后你把它拉回来,它稍微离开一点。

Maybe as it comes away, as the knee comes away, you can feel a lengthening, a slight lengthening on the right side of your side body.也许当膝盖离开时,你能感觉到你身体右侧稍微延长的感觉。

And pause, leave that, let your legs go long.然后停顿一下,让它保持这样,让你的腿伸直。

Notice now with your legs lying long, if just doing this one little movement had any effect in how the back of your pelvis is making contact with the floor, how one of the legs is making contact.现在注意一下,当你的腿伸直躺在地上时,是否这个小小的动作对你的骨盆背面如何与地板接触,以及一条腿如何接触有任何影响。

Bring your feet back to standing again, and cross the right foot so that the right ankle is on the left knee.再次让你的双脚站立起来,把右脚放在左膝盖上,右踝。

And now reach with your left hand to grab the right knee from up top, so that means that you're going to pull the knee in a little away from you.现在用你的左手从上面抓住右膝盖,这意味着你要把膝盖稍微拉离你。

And with your left hand, I mean, I'm sorry, with your right hand, grab the back of your head.然后用你的右手抓住头部的后方,抱歉,我是说,用你的右手。

So the right hand is behind your head, the left hand is grabbing your right knee.所以右手放在头后面,左手抓住右膝盖。

Now very gently, because you can only really make small movements doing this, initiatethe movement of the right knee pulling away from you a little bit.现在非常轻柔地,因为你只能做一点点小小的动作,开始右膝盖从你身体稍微拉开一点。

You keep your hand on the knee, so it will now pull your left shoulder.你保持手在膝盖上,所以它现在会拉动你的左肩膀。

So you hold onto the knee firmly, firmly hold onto the knee so that it pulls your shoulderup just a little bit, pulls your shoulder away just a little bit, and repeat that movement.所以你紧紧抓住膝盖,让它稍微拉起你的肩膀,稍微拉开你的肩膀,并重复这个动作。

So let it come all the way back, so your shoulder comes all the way back and is nice and relaxed.让它完全回来,所以你的肩膀完全回来,保持舒适放松状态。

And then you pull the knee away, creating the movement from the right knee, and gentlypulls your shoulder a little bit.然后你把膝盖拉开,通过右膝盖的运动创造动作,轻轻地拉动你的肩膀。

And once you've got that feeling, begin to increase the movement.一旦你感觉到这种感觉,就开始增加这个动作。

The left leg stays quiet, and you increase the movement to the point where you feel like,oh, I could actually lift my head a little bit off the floor.左腿保持静止,你增加这个动作直到你觉得,哦,我实际上可以把头稍微抬离地板一点点。


So the left leg stays quiet, it's not so much a rolling in the torso.左腿保持静止,并不会在躯干中打转。So as your knee goes away, you lift the head, your head begins to lift.当你的膝盖远离时,你抬起头部,头部开始抬起。So your shoulder doesn't make any effort really, it's the knee that pulls.所以你的肩膀并没有做出什么努力,实际上是膝盖在拉扯。All right, leave it, uncross the legs, and let your legs go long.好的,放开,解开腿部的交叉,让腿伸直。Now notice whether this variation had any effect on how you're making contact with the floor.现在注意一下这种变化是否对你与地板的接触有影响。Gently roll your head left and right, just see.轻轻地左右摇摆头部,看看感觉如何。What is it like?感觉如何?Is it easier to roll your head in one direction?在一个方向上摇摆头部更容易吗?Okay, bring your feet to standing again.好的,再次站起来,让双脚站立。Your feet are about hip distance apart.你的双脚大约与髋部宽度相距。You cross your right ankle over your left knee.交叉你的右脚踝放在左膝盖上。And now with your right hand, reach and grab the right knee.现在用右手伸出并抓住右膝盖。And with the left hand, put it behind your head.左手放在头后。And now in this position, begin, initiate the movement with your right knee.现在在这个姿势中,开始,以右膝盖为主动,引发运动。Bring the right knee away from your torso, and allow the right knee to begin to pull the right arm and pull the right shoulder.把右膝盖远离躯干,允许右膝盖开始拉动右臂和右肩。So it's very similar to what we did before, it's just the angles have now changed.所以这与之前非常相似,只是角度现在有所改变。So again, think of the right knee as the prime mover, and everything else just happens to follow.因此,再次将右膝盖视为主要运动者,其他一切随之而来。So as what happened before, when we had it with the crossed arm, is that there's a diagonal folding that starts to happen.就像之前,当我们交叉手臂时发生的是,开始出现对角线折叠。With this, there's more of a sense of a side bending.通过这种方式,更多地感受到侧弯的感觉。So one side of the body is getting a little shorter, and the other side of the body is getting a little bit longer.因此身体的一侧变得稍短,而另一侧则稍长一些。And it's just a subtle little feeling.这只是一种微妙的感觉。Okay, let go with your arms.好的,放开你的手臂。Just let your arms rest by your side for a second.让你的手臂休息一会儿在你的身边。And then switch the arms.然后换换手臂。So now your left arm will be holding the right knee, and your right arm is back behind your head.现在你的左手臂会抓住右膝盖,右手臂放在头后。And so now repeat that original movement of letting the knee pull away,现在重复那个最初的动作,让膝盖远离,and now feel how there's this diagonal fold, and perhaps even a roll.感受一下现在的对角线折叠,甚至可能会有一点滚动。And what this does is it makes your spine and your rib cage and your pelvis work in slightly different ways.这样做可以使你的脊柱、肋骨笼和骨盆以稍微不同的方式运作。Okay, pause.好的,停顿一下。Let your arms down.放下你的手臂。Leave your feet here, if they're comfortable.如果你感觉舒服的话,就让你的双脚保持这个姿势。And now can you reach with both hands and grab your right knee?现在你能用双手抓住右膝盖吗?And now in this position, initiating the movement again with the right knee and the right leg,现在在这个姿势中,再次以右膝盖和右腿为主动,bring the knee away from you to pull both shoulders.把膝盖远离你来拉动双肩。And if it pulls enough, it begins to pull the head.如果足够拉动,它会开始拉动头部。But it's the knee that pulls the shoulders which lifts the head.但是是膝盖拉动肩膀,然后抬起头部。You don't lift your head unless you're holding the right knee.除非你抓住右膝盖,否则你不会抬起头部。So it's almost like there's a string on your knee that gets pulled,所以这就像是有一根系在你的膝盖上的绳子,and then your whole body just softly responds.然后你的整个身体就会轻轻地回应。And now let's move on to the next movement.现在让我们继续进行下一个动作。And this again changes the direction of the folding.这会再次改变折叠的方向。The amount of twisting, the amount of side bending is subtly different with this variation than with the other arm variations.这种变化与其他手臂变化相比,扭转和侧弯的程度略有不同。Let your arms go.放开你的手臂。Let your, uncross your feet and let your legs go long.放开,解开脚部的交叉,让你的腿伸直。And now that we've done just a number of variations here on one side,现在我们在一侧已经做了多种变化,let's move on to the next one.让我们继续进行下一个。And now that we've done just a number of variations here on one side,现在我们在一侧已经做了多种变化,really take in what the differences are that you notice.确实注意到你所注意到的差异是什么。If you were to put the right hand on the left knee,如果你把右手放在左膝盖上,if you were to have that yardstick or the ruler going along the length of your spine and coming out underneath you,如果你拿一把尺或者直尺沿着你的脊椎长度放在你身下,how wide apart would your legs be now?你的腿现在有多远?And would there be a difference in your sensation of your legs,你感觉到你的腿有什么不同吗?the difference in the distance between the left leg and the right leg in the center line?左腿和右腿在中线之间的距离有什么不同吗?Or do you feel a change in the turnout?你感觉到外展有所改变吗?That external rotation of your legs.你的腿外旋了吗?One leg feels different than the other.一条腿感觉与另一条腿不同。Do you sense any changes in the back of your pelvis or in your hip joint?你感觉到骨盆背面或髋关节有任何变化吗?In your lower back?在你的腰部下方? Roll your head gently from left to right, just once or twice, just to see.轻轻地将头部从左向右滚动一两次,只是为了观察。Which way is it softer to roll?哪个方向滚动起来更容易?And now bring your feet to standing.现在让双脚站立起来。Now we're going to cross the left ankle over the right leg.现在我们要把左脚踝交叉放在右腿上。And first in this position, just notice how you do that crossing.在这个姿势中,先注意一下你是如何交叉的。How is your left leg oriented in space or oriented relative to you?你的左腿在空间中的方向是怎样的,或者相对于你来说是怎样的?The upper leg, the lower leg, and then how did the pelvis respond?大腿上部,小腿,然后骨盆如何反应?Is the pelvis neutral?骨盆是处于中立状态吗?If you have both your feet standing, is it the same way?如果你的双脚都站立,情况是否相同?Or have you hiked one side of your pelvis higher or lower?或者你抬高或降低了一个骨盆的一侧?And if you're not sure, you can re-stand both your feet and see.如果你不确定,你可以重新站起双脚来观察。And then bring your feet again and see.然后再次把你的双脚放下来观察。In that process, did you shift your pelvis?在这个过程中,你是否移动了你的骨盆?And once you have your left ankle crossed over your right knee, so your right leg is standing,一旦你的左脚踝交叉放在右膝盖上,所以你的右腿站立,then begin to take your left knee a little bit towards you and a little bit away from you.然后开始让左膝盖稍微向你靠近,然后又稍微远离你。Just get a sense for how that is.只是感受一下这是什么感觉。Now as you're doing this, see if you can make the movement come entirely from the hip joint.现在当你这样做时,看看你是否可以完全通过髋关节来进行运动。A more Feldenkrais way of saying it would be, how are you doing this movement?更加 Feldenkrais 的说法是,你是如何进行这种运动的?So it's possible to initiate the movement from the oblique muscles and the abdominals and the quadratus lumborum因此,可能是从斜方肌、腹肌和腰方肌开始运动,and thereby hiking up one side of the pelvis, so initiating the movement in the pelvis.从而提高骨盆的一侧,从而开始骨盆运动。But what we're looking for is initiation of movement in the hip joint.但我们所要寻找的是从髋关节开始运动。So see if you can differentiate if that's occurring.因此,请看看你是否能够区分是否发生了这种情况。Alright, and uncross your legs and stand your feet. Just leave your feet standing.好的,解开腿部的交叉,站起来。保持双脚站立。Okay, let's cross the left ankle over the right knee again.好的,让我们再次将左脚踝交叉放在右膝盖上。And now with your right hand, grab the left knee.现在用右手抓住左膝盖。And with your left hand, put it behind your head.左手放在头后。And now this should be relatively familiar, but it's on a new side.现在这应该相对熟悉,但是在一个新的侧面。Initiating the movement with your left knee and left leg,用左膝盖和左腿开始运动,Push the left knee away from you.将左膝盖从你身体远离

And by doing so, allow your right shoulder to begin being pulled forward a little bit.

然后通过这样做,让你的右肩开始被向前拉动一点点。So it's just, you pull the knee away and it lifts your right shoulder.所以就是,你把膝盖拉开,它就把你的右肩抬起来。You don't have to lift your head yet, it's just getting this connection, feeling the connection.你还不需要抬起头,只是建立这种联系,感受这种连接。And as you pull the left knee away, and you feel that right shoulder getting pulled,随着你把左膝盖拉开,感受到右肩被拉动,begin to sense what's happening to the contact on the floor.开始感受一下地面的接触发生了什么变化。Can you feel the pressure in the line of contact sort of oscillating?你能感受到接触线上的压力在轻微变化吗?Can you distinguish how much of this movement you're making in your hip joint,你能分辨出你在髋关节里进行了多少运动吗,and how much of the movement you're making in your pelvis?以及你在骨盆里进行了多少运动?And when it seems relatively comfortable, go ahead and lift your head once or twice.当感觉相对舒适时,可以抬起头一两次。Exhaling, making it nice and easy.呼气,让它变得轻松愉快。Your head lifting is just sort of a natural consequence of the pulling,你抬头只是被拉动的自然结果,of your arm being pulled by the knee.你的手臂被膝盖拉动。All right, and then let's uncross the legs.好的,然后让腿部解开交叉。And let's bring your feet, leave your just feet in standing.让我们把双脚放下,让它们保持站立。Notice your breathing.注意你的呼吸。See in this position whether you feel like more parts of your chest and abdomen are available for breathing.看看在这个姿势中,你是否感觉到胸部和腹部更多部位可以用来呼吸。And cross the left ankle again over the right knee.再次让左脚踝交叉放在右膝盖上。And now with the left hand, grab the left knee and the right hand behind the head.现在用左手抓住左膝盖,右手放在头后。And in this position again, begin to let your left knee come away from you in a way在这个姿势中,再次开始让左膝盖从你身体远离,so that it begins to pull on the left arm and pull on the left shoulder.从而开始拉动左手臂和左肩膀。You don't have to lift your head yet.你还不需要抬头。And your head should only lift if there's tension through your arm.只有当你的手臂有张力时,你的头才会抬起。Your arm is carrying tension. It's like a tension wire on a suspension bridge.你的手臂承载着张力。就像吊桥上的张力线一样。And as you do this, now feel how your torso responds differently than when you used a cross arm.当你这样做时,感受一下你的躯干如何与使用交叉手臂时有所不同。Your rib cage is going to do something slightly different.你的肋骨箱会有略微不同的反应。And if the movement is comfortable enough to the point where the left shoulder is clearly coming away from the floor,如果动作足够舒适,以至于左肩明显离开地面,begin to bring the lifting of the head into this movement.那就开始将抬头的动作融入到这个运动中。The lifting of the head is only a consequence of the shoulder being pulled away from the floor.抬头只是肩膀离开地面的一个结果。So there's a cascade of things that are necessary.因此,这里面有一系列必要的事情。And then pause and switch the arms.然后暂停,换换手臂。So now your right arm is going to grab your left knee and your left arm is going to go behind your head.现在你的右手臂要抓住左膝盖,左手臂要放在头后。Now distance the knee again, the left knee away from the body, and allow it to pull the arm and feel the difference.现在再次让左膝盖远离身体,让它拉动手臂,感受其中的不同。There's a subtle but very distinct and real difference in how your torso, your ribs, your spine, your abdominal region has to respond.你的躯干、肋骨、脊柱和腹部区域必须响应的方式微妙但非常明显和真实。So pause and just let your arms go down. Just leave your legs like this.暂停一下,让手臂放下来。双腿维持这个姿势。Notice just now that your leg is resting like this, you can take your knee just a little bit closer to your face and then take your knee away from you again.注意一下,你的腿现在是这样休息的,你可以把你的膝盖稍微靠近你的脸,然后再远离你。Is this any different than how it was when you first started?这和你刚开始时有什么不同吗?After you've done that twice, see if you can grab with both hands the left knee.做完两次后,看看你是否能用双手抓住左膝盖。Don't cross your arms. Just yeah, just there you go.不要交叉你的手臂。对,就是这样。Crossing your arms will do something different.交叉手臂会产生不同的效果。And now again, distance that left knee away from you and allow it to pull on both shoulders.现在再次让左膝盖远离身体,让它拉动双肩。And start the movement small.从小处着手。Both shoulders start getting pulled. You can feel both shoulder blades lifting off of the ground and come back.两个肩膀开始被拉动。你能感觉到两个肩胛骨离开地面并回来。And once you're getting that movement, you can begin to expand it a little bit.一旦你开始这个动作,你可以逐渐扩展它。There's a point where if it's really comfortable, it's almost inevitable your head just has to follow.有一个点,如果真的很舒适,你的头几乎是不可避免地要跟着动的。And you can think of your arms as really like the suspension wires of a bridge.你可以把你的手臂想象成桥梁上的悬索一样。So they're not really making any effort, but they are carrying the force. They're carrying the tension.它们并没有做出任何努力,但它们承载了力量。它们承载了张力。Tension often has a bad association, but it's actually something that's very useful.张力通常有负面的联想,但实际上它是非常有用的。You need to have tension in a bridge. You need to have tension in many types of structures, including living structures.在桥梁中你需要有张力。在许多类型的结构中,包括生物结构中,你都需要有张力。Okay, and leave it, let it go, and let your legs, uncross your legs and let your legs go long.好的,放开,放松,解开腿部的交叉,让双腿伸直。And roll your head gently left and right.然后轻轻地左右摇动头部。

Now really notice not just how your legs or your pelvis may have a different contact,现在真正注意到,不仅要注意你的腿或骨盆可能有不同的接触,but how the left and the right shoulder may be, how the contact that they're making has evolved.还要注意左右肩膀之间可能有所不同,它们的接触方式如何演变。Can you distinguish more regions along your back?你能更清楚地区分出沿着你背部的不同区域吗?As your upper back, as the spine of your upper back, do you have any greater awareness there?你的上背部分,你的上背脊柱,你有更多的意识吗?And with your legs long, let's see what is the distance of your legs off of the center line?双腿伸直,让我们看看你的腿离中线有多远?How's the turnout?转出的情况如何?And can you even draw your awareness up your leg, up your femur, and into your hip joint?你能感觉到沿着你的腿,上到股骨,再到髋关节吗?Sort of like get a sense for where it is that your hip joint sits.试着感受一下你的髋关节在哪里。It's the connection of your pelvis to your leg.这是你的骨盆与你的腿之间的连接。Okay, now stand your feet, and let's cross the right ankle over the left knee.好的,现在站起来,让我们把右脚踝交叉放在左膝盖上。Now, in this position, with your left hand, grab your left foot, the arch of your left foot, anywhere that's comfortable.现在,在这个姿势中,用你的左手抓住你的左脚,抓住你左脚的弓处,任何感觉舒适的地方。And with your right hand, grab your knee, your right knee, and just hold it like that.然后用你的右手抓住你的右膝盖,就这样保持住。And now, holding it like this, can you now begin with your two hands to slide your right leg so that it makes contact,现在,就这样保持住,你能用两只手开始滑动你的右腿,使它接触到,so that your lower leg slides across the left knee. So it slides to the left and then back to the center.使得你的小腿横穿过左膝盖。所以它向左滑动,然后回到中心。So holding it left and back to the center. To the left and back to the center. To the left and back to the center.所以保持左边然后回到中心。向左滑动然后回到中心。向左滑动然后回到中心。Just let it slide. And now, as you slide it to the left, can you slowly bring it so that your foot, your right foot,就让它滑动。现在,当你把它滑到左边时,能否慢慢地让它,以至于你的脚,你的右脚,makes contact with the floor on the left side of you. And you're allowed to move the lower leg, the standing leg,接触到你左侧的地板。你可以让下肢,站立的腿部移动,you're allowed to let it tilt over to the side. So your left leg can tilt towards the left.你可以让它倾斜到一侧。这样你的左腿可以朝左倾斜。And then bring it back and keep doing this. And then let's bring it over so that your right foot is on the floor然后把它拉回来,继续这样做。然后让它移动,让你的右脚踩在地板上,and your left leg is just lying on the floor on the outside. Approximately.而你的左腿就横在地板上。大致上。So your right foot is on the floor and your left leg is on the outside, but it's still kind of like the ankles crossed over the knee.所以你的右脚在地板上,你的左腿在外面,但是它仍然像脚踝交叉在膝盖上一样。And you're holding on with both hands. Some of us are lazy.你用两只手扶住。我们中有些人有点懒。Alright, so now in this position, can you slowly imagine, think about what it would take to distance that right knee away from you,好的,现在在这个姿势中,你能慢慢地想象,思考一下远离你的右膝盖需要做些什么,away from your face. What would it take for that right knee to go away? And slowly begin to initiate that movement.远离你的脸。右膝盖要远离你需要什么?然后慢慢开始引导这个动作。It can just be a centimeter or an inch, but distance that right knee away from you, holding on with your hand.它可能只是一厘米或一英寸,但是把右膝盖远离你,用手保持住。So your knee initiates the movement, you don't push with your hand. Your hand is hanging on, it's a suspension wire of a bridge.所以是你的膝盖启动了这个动作,不是你用手推。你的手是悬索桥梁的一部分。And can you distance that knee away from you so that it begins to pull your shoulder?你能把那个膝盖远离你,让它开始拉动你的肩膀吗?And now, the trick is, when it pulls like this, it's an entirely different relationship to your rib cage and your torso and your spine.现在,技巧在于,当它像这样拉动时,这与你的肋骨箱、躯干和脊柱有完全不同的关系。And it really just, it can be a totally small movement.这真的只是一个非常微小的动作。Alright, bring your bottom, bring your left leg back up to standing.好的,把你的底部,把你的左腿重新放回站立状态。

Sure, here's the translation of the text in an alternating English and Chinese format:

And uncross your legs and let your legs go long.解开交叉的腿,让腿伸直。

Sense the length of one side of your torso, like the distance between the pelvis and the armpit, on each side of yourself.感受一侧的躯干长度,比如从骨盆到腋窝的距离。

Then slowly bring your feet back to standing.慢慢地把脚站起来。

Cross your left ankle over your right leg and grab the knee and ankle with both hands.把左脚踝交叉放在右腿上,用双手抓住膝盖和脚踝。

Your left hand holds the left knee, and your right hand holds the left foot.左手握住左膝盖,右手握住左脚。

In this position, begin to slide your left leg towards the right and then bring it back.在这个姿势中,开始把左腿向右滑动,然后再把它带回来。

Allow the lower part of your left leg to slide on top of the right knee.让左腿的下部滑动到右膝盖上。

Your arms follow this movement, with a slight pull in the shoulders and a response in your torso.你的手臂跟随这个动作,肩膀略微拉伸,躯干有所反应。

Now increase this movement.现在增加这个动作。

See if you can bring your left foot over to the right so it makes contact with the floor on your right side, and then bring it back.看看能否把左脚移到右边,让它与地面接触,然后再带回来。

After a few repetitions, allow your standing leg (the right leg) to roll towards the right as well, ending up with your left foot on the floor and your right leg lying outside.几次重复后,允许站立的腿(右腿)也向右侧滚动,最终左脚着地,右腿横卧在外侧。

In this configuration, can you distance your left knee away from your face?在这种姿势下,你能把左膝盖远离面部吗?

As you do so, feel it pulling on your left shoulder.当你这样做时,感受到它对左肩的拉扯。

Your left arm acts as a tension wire, simply holding onto the knee.你的左臂就像一根张力线,简单地抓住膝盖。

And feel how there's this different angles of folding in your rib cage, in your abdomen.感受一下肋骨和腹部的不同折叠角度。

It's all light, no effort.一切都轻松自在,毫不费力。

And then unwind it.然后放松开来。

So bring your right foot back up to standing, uncross your legs.把右脚站起来,解开交叉的腿。

Let your legs go long.让腿伸直。

Now again, bring out that yardstick, measure the center line below you, the distancing, how the two legs, how widely they're separated from the center line.现在再次拿出那根标尺,测量你下方的中心线,两条腿之间的距离,它们与中心线的分离情况。

Their turnout.它们的外展。

The softness in the hip joints.髋关节的柔软度。

The sensation in the back of the pelvis, in the low back, the shoulders.骨盆后部、腰部和肩膀的感觉。

One more time, gently roll your head from left to right.再来一次,轻轻地把头从左边转到右边。

See how that's different.看看有什么不同。

All right, now a few more variations, but as with everything in Feldenkrais, it's optional.好了,现在还有几个变化,但像菲尔登克莱斯的一切都是可选的。

So if you're really mellow and content and happy here, then that's fine.所以如果你现在感到非常平静、满足和开心,那就很好。

But if you want to try another variation, then we're going to, you can just follow the instructions.但如果你想尝试另一种变化,我们可以继续,你可以跟着说明进行。

One thing that may be necessary for this, though, is that most people's heads are pretty close to the wall.不过,对于这一点可能是必要的,大多数人的头部都非常靠近墙壁。

And for the next variation, you're going to want to have an arm lying along above your head.接下来的变化中,你需要让一只手臂伸直放在头部上方。

So if you're, there you go.所以如果你在,你可以这样做。

You may want to slide down a little bit so that you are not making contact with the wall.你可能需要往下滑动一点,这样你就不会与墙壁接触了。


But again, this is highly optional.但再次强调,这是完全自愿的。

All right, stand your feet, cross your right ankle over your left knee.好了,站起来,把右脚踝交叉放在左膝上。

With your left arm, grab your right knee.用左手抓住右膝盖。

Your arm is a suspension wire as it has been before.你的手臂像之前一样是一个悬挂线。

Now, bring your right arm up above your head and let it lie on the floor above your head comfortably.现在,把右手臂抬起来放在头上方的地板上,让它舒适地躺着。

And in this position, begin to distance your knee away from yourself, away from your face,在这个姿势中,开始把膝盖远离自己,远离脸部,

from initiating the movement in the knee, in the hip joint.从膝盖、髋关节开始动作。

It's not initiating the movement in the shoulder.不是通过肩膀来开始运动。

It's not initiating the movement in...也不是通过......

It's a much different movement than everything else that we've been doing.这与我们之前做的一切运动完全不同。

It requires something much different in the rib cage and the spine.它需要肋骨和脊柱中完全不同的东西。

If you can get it comfortably so that your arm is truly a suspension piece,如果你能够舒适地做到这一点,使你的手臂真正成为悬挂件,

then can you find a way to lift the head?那么你能找到一种方法抬起头吗?

But the head just lifts out of...但头部只是被拉起来......

Really, there's just no other choice because it's being pulled by your shoulder.实际上,没有其他选择,因为它是被你的肩膀拉动的。

And as you do that, what happens to your right arm above your head?当你这样做时,你头上方的右手臂会发生什么?

Does your right arm grow longer?你的右臂会变长吗?

Can you feel?你能感觉到吗?

Because this can be intense.因为这可能会很强烈。


Bring your right arm down.把你的右手臂放下。

Uncross your legs.解开交叉的腿。

Let your legs go long.让腿伸直。

Soak in the sensation of contact.享受接触的感觉。

Soak in that feeling of softness.享受那种柔软的感觉。

Sure, here's the continuation and completion in alternating English and Chinese:

Again, this is optional.再次强调,这是可选的。

Bring your feet to standing.站起来。

Cross your right ankle over your left knee.右脚踝交叉放在左膝上。

With your left arm, grab your right knee.用左手抓住右膝盖。

Your arm is a suspension wire as it has been before.你的手臂像之前一样是一个悬挂线。

Now, bring your right arm up above your head and let it lie on the floor above your head comfortably.现在,把右手臂抬起来放在头上方的地板上,让它舒适地躺着。

And in this position, begin to distance your knee away from yourself, away from your face,在这个姿势中,开始把膝盖远离自己,远离脸部,

from initiating the movement in the knee, in the hip joint.从膝盖、髋关节开始动作。

It's not initiating the movement in the shoulder.不是通过肩膀来开始运动。

It's not initiating the movement in...也不是通过......

It's a much different movement than everything else that we've been doing.这与我们之前做的一切运动完全不同。

It requires something much different in the rib cage and the spine.它需要肋骨和脊柱中完全不同的东西。

If you can get it comfortably so that your arm is truly a suspension piece,如果你能够舒适地做到这一点,使你的手臂真正成为悬挂件,

then can you find a way to lift the head?那么你能找到一种方法抬起头吗?

But the head just lifts out of...但头部只是被拉起来......

Really, there's just no other choice because it's being pulled by your shoulder.实际上,没有其他选择,因为它是被你的肩膀拉动的。

And as you do that, what happens to your right arm above your head?当你这样做时,你头上方的右手臂会发生什么?

Does your right arm grow longer?你的右臂会变长吗?

Can you feel?你能感觉到吗?

Because this can be intense.因为这可能会很强烈。


Bring your right arm down.把你的右手臂放下。

Uncross your legs.解开交叉的腿。

Let your legs go long.让腿伸直。

Soak in the sensation of contact.享受接触的感觉。

Soak in that feeling of softness.享受那种柔软的感觉。

Again, this is optional.再次强调,这是可选的。

Bring your feet to standing.站起来。

Cross your right leg over your left.右腿交叉放在左腿上。

With your left arm, grab your right knee.用左手抓住右膝盖。

Your arm is a suspension wire as it has been before.你的手臂像之前一样是一个悬挂线。

Now, bring your right arm out 90 degrees away from you.现在,把你的右手臂伸直到90度离开你。

So it's going straight out to the side.它直接朝着侧面伸出。

It can be a little bit lower, but maybe a little bit less than 90 degrees out.它可能稍微低一点,但也许略少于90度。

So your hand is a little bit lower than your shoulder.所以你的手比你的肩膀略低一点。

And now in this position, can you distance your knee away from yourself so that it pulls your shoulder?在这个姿势中,你能把你的膝盖远离你自己吗,使它拉动你的肩膀?

And you start out slowly.然后你开始缓慢进行。

It pulls your shoulder, comes back.它拉动你的肩膀,然后回来。

But can you slowly increase the movement so that you put your palm down?但你能慢慢增加这个动作,使你的手掌着地吗?

So as the knee distances away, it pulls your shoulder.所以当膝盖远离时,它拉动你的肩膀。

You actually roll over to the right.你实际上滚向右边。

And you come back.然后回来。

And you roll over.然后你滚过去。

You pull.你拉。

It generates a rolling.它产生了一个滚动。

And then you actually start to come up onto your right elbow.然后你实际上开始站起来,用右肘。

It's almost like your pelvis is a counterweight.这就像你的骨盆是一个平衡的重量。

And once you get to a certain point, you're a tater totter.一旦你达到某个点,你就像一个跷跷板。

And you just come over.然后你就过来了。

Bring your arm down this way a little bit.把你的手臂放下。

My instructions were so good.我的指示是如此出色。

And then this way.然后这样。


See if you can lift yourself up on your elbow.看看你能不能用肘部把自己抬起来。

Yeah, the right elbow.是的,右肘。

See if you can roll onto the elbow and lift yourself up so it's like sensitive.看看你能不能把自己滚到肘部,把自己抬起来,这样就像是敏感的。

So the knee keeps going away from you.所以膝盖继续远离你。

So the only way it can keep going away from you is to.所以它能继续远离你的唯一方法是。

All right.好吧。

And once you do it a couple times, it begins to become.一旦你做了几次,它就开始变得。

Well, it's like there's this aha moment of like, oh, that's the direction.好吧,就像有这样一个“啊哈”时刻,就像,哦,那就是方向。

That's the thing.就是那个东西。

And you figure out, oh, this is actually kind of easy in a way.你会发现,哦,这实际上在某种程度上是很容易的。

In a way.在某种程度上。

And you can at that point, it's like aha.在那一点上,就像是“啊哈”。

And then it's time to let your legs go long and lie on your back.然后是时候让你的腿伸直,躺在你的背上。


Those last two variations.最后的两个变化。

I'm going to leave it.我要留下它。

For you guys to do on the other side on your own.让你们自己在另一侧做。

You guys are fried.你们都疲惫了。

But before we do that, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, before we do that.但在我们这样做之前,停下来,停下来,停下来,停下来,停下来,停下来。

So you already sensed how you're making contact with the floor.所以你已经感觉到你是如何与地板接触的。

You sensed the differences and the changes in your pelvis and your shoulders and your torso and stuff.你感觉到你的骨盆、肩膀和躯干等地方的差异和变化。

So now just really quickly come up to sitting again.所以现在就快速再次坐起来。

Like we did at the start.就像我们刚开始做的那样。

And now take your right leg and your right foot and bring it into the art of Padmasana.


And see if there's any difference in the feeling of it and the sensation of it.


Is your knee closer to the floor?


And that's one way of testing.


Another way is just simply crossing your ankle over the knee and just seeing, hey, how is it?


How easy is it to sit up tall like this now?


And with that.


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