part 3 市场细分和定位
stp 框架(市场划分、目标市场、市场定位)
what's a market segment?
-Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into distinct subsets,where any subset(子市场) may conceivably be selected as a marketing target to be reached with a distinct marketing mix(4p rules)
step 1、segment
segmentation methods
I. Characteristics of the Customer(顾客特性,年龄、性别、穷富etc)
II. Benefits Sought(顾客对产品不同的关注点)
III. Systematic, Product-Related Behaviors(购买方式)
purchasing behavior
by channel
cohort analysis(群组分析:不注重年龄,关注群组人的生活经历)
eg:婴儿潮,gen Y(millennium)
geographic segmentation(地域划分)
-regional segmentation
-zip clustering
◦ distinct marketing strategies created for similar types of neighborhoods stretched across the nation(相似的、相同理念的人趋于生活在一处,世界通用)
◦ e.g:‘PRIZM’(棱镜划分)
step 2、selecting a target
What makes a segment attractive?
Balancing Segment Attractiveness with our Capability.(吸引力,执行力之间平衡)
Continuously monitoring whether the actual buyers match the target segment.(监测实际买家,判断他们是否与目标市场相匹配)
segment selection criteria(细分市场)
-吸引力:Segment Size、Growth of Segment、Value of Segment ($)、Stability
-在什么程度上满足市场需求:Current Company position within segment、Ease of entry into segment
-竞争者:Ease of competitive entry into segment、Number and strength of competitors