Clarify something for me. 谁能给我澄清一下
You're probably wondering why. 你们估计会疑惑原因
No. We're good. 我们没有
We get it. 我们懂了
Remember when you were wondering why the girls didn't want to eat with us tonight? 记得你曾疑惑过为何女生们今晚不想跟我们一起吃吗
Yeah, I get it now. 我现在懂了
How's it going? 最近过得如何
I got it. 我懂了
He just didn't really challenge me on an intellectual level. 只是他没有在智商层面上给我压力
Couldn't you just fool around him and then listen to NPR? 你不能将就一下他 然后一起去听听NPR吗
Wouldn't help. Zack can't even spell NPR. 没用的 Zack连NPR的全称都拼不出来
What's the matter? 你怎么了
It's no mystery. 毫无疑问
Settle this. 你说句公道话
Of the two of us, who's the obvious sidekick? 我们俩谁更像跟班
Localized to what region? 局部是哪
All right, let's start over. 好吧 重头来一遍
All right, I think I have enough to go on. 好吧 我不纠结了
Where would I have picked up an alien parasite? 我在哪儿被外星人附身啊
There you are. 你在这啊
Let me ask you a question. 问你个问题
How did you get so brave all of a sudden? 你怎么一下子胆儿这么大了
Is it possible that your concern for me at this moment is motivated by nothing more than simple jealousy? 你现在对我这么在意 会不会就是因为嫉妒作祟
I hadn't considered that. 这我倒没想过
Give me a moment. 稍等片刻
Just going to skip over that insult. 这句侮辱我就当没听到吧
What are you suggesting? 你这是什么意思
That's not what I had in mind. 我不是这意思
Exactly. 一点没错
But I might as well get it over with. 但我想还是勉为其难一下吧
I'll let you know what happens. 我会告知你结果的
Let me tell you why I'm calling. 我告诉你我为啥打给你
None come to mind. 完全想不到啊
I'm sure it'll wash off. 肯定洗得掉的
Are you sure this is what you wanted to do? 你确定真的想这么做吗
Please don't drag this out. 区区小忙不足挂齿
This is never going to come off. 这玩意肯定洗不掉
That should hold me for a while. 这样够我支撑一会了