Sight Words是儿童阅读初阶常用的字,许多Sight words是无法用Phonics的拼读规格拼出来的。Sight words在孩子早期阅读的书本中占了60-85%这些词汇也是儿单日常生活、绘本。歌谣以及动画片中反复会出现的单词,只要掌握了这些词,孩子的英语阅读自然而且会不成问题。
1. Find a picture book that you think your learnerswould like and would help their English. List the Sight Words you want them before you start the lesson
找一本你的学生孩子会喜欢并对他们英文学习有帮助的的故事绘本。把你要他们在这个课程中要学习的 Sight Word列出來。
Book:(Heavy and Light)
The elephant is heavy. The bug is light.
The rock is heavy. The feather is light.
The watermelon is heavy. The strawgerry is light.
The book is heavy. The pencil is light.
The fish is heavy. The shrimp is light.
This ball is heavy. This ball is light.
Sight words: is, light, the, this
2. Think about how you can use this book to teach Sight Words in class. You need to provide your own activities for your class想想看,如何使用这本绘本來规划你的课程安排与Sight Word学习的活动计划。
首先播放《Heavy and Light 》的视频音乐,和孩子一起欣赏里边的韵律。音乐结束后针对书中的内容进行共读,让孩子看绘本中对应的图片来帮助理解Sight words的意义。在讲读的过程中可以多提出几个问题,让他们猜猜看还有哪些东西是轻的?哪些东西是重的? 或与孩子一起在家里找找,哪些东西是轻的?哪些是重的?一轻一重两两配对,然后用故事中的重点句型大声说出来。例:让孩子用英语说出: The table is heavy. The chair is light. 在游戏过程中,家长尽量引导孩子多用以前学过的名词。
3. Answer these questions when you have found the picture book and decided on how to use it in class决定好你要教学的绘本后,并决定如何在教室里家里使用时,请回答以下问题
Q:Which age-group is it for?适合的年岭?
Q:What are the Sight Words?你所挑选出的高频词有哪些?
A:Sight Words: is, light, the, this
Q:What are the benefits of using this lesson plan?这个课程设计的优点是什么?
A: 相反词:Heavy & Light单词重复性高,句型简单、应用性高,现实生活物品单词巩固,音韵朗朗上口,孩子易于理解的记忆单词及句型。