
英文 中文
How many telephones are there? 家里有几部电话
Two. 两部
And that's the only exit? 那是唯一的出口吗
And there's no contraband in your apartment. 你家里没有违禁品吧
That's correct. 没有
Any firearms? 家里有枪吗
Nope. 没有
Any other weapons of any kind? 其它任何种类的武器呢
Well, knives. Do they count? 有刀算吗
Can I see them, please? 让我看看好吗
No, that's fine. 这些没问题
And which room would your husband inhabit? 你丈夫会住在哪个房间
So, if the judge approves electronic monitoring, 如果法官批准对他进行电子监控
I'll need a small space by the front door for the receiver. 前门需要一小块空间放接收器
Do you have Wi-Fi? 你家有Wi-Fi吗
I'll have to test it to make sure there's no interference. 我得测试下看会不会干扰电子监控
Now... I have to ask your children some questions, 好了我得问你孩子几个问题
if you don't mind. 如果你不介意的话
What kind of questions? 什么问题
Eh, nothing invasive. 不是过分的问题
Same questions I asked you. 就是我问你的这些
Please. 请配合
Zach, Grace. 扎克格蕾丝
Yeah? 什么事
Do either of you have contraband in your rooms? 你俩房间里有违禁品吗
- No.- Any firearms? -没有-有枪吗
No. 没有
Any other weapons? 其它武器呢
No. 没有
Great. That should do it. 很好这就行了
Excuse me, sheriff. 失陪警官
Hi, Alicia, it's Diane. 艾丽西娅我是戴安
We need you right away. 你得马上过来
Now? 现在?
Yes, I'm sorry, it's very important. 是真抱歉但事情很重要
And can you bring a few things? 能带几样东西过来吗
Toiletries, clothing for 48 hours, and a man's tie. 洗漱用具2天的衣服还有男士领带
Sonya, I'm so sorry. 桑娅别着急
What is it about? 这是怎么回事
I don't know. 不知道
I'll call you as soon as I find out. 搞明白了我会给你打电话
Will you be all right? 这里交给你了没问题吧
Oh, yes, we'll be fine. 没问题你放心
Mrs. Kelzick is downstairs... 凯尔兹克夫人就在楼下
A phone call away. 打个电话她就能上来
Is Peter really coming home? 彼得真要回家了?
I don't know. 不知道
They do this to prepare. 这只是做准备
We'll see. 到时候看吧
So, does your face turn into, like, a cow's head or something? 等会儿看你的脸会像牛头之类的吗
You never did mushrooms in the peace corps? 你在和平部队时没吸过魔幻蘑菇(毒品)?
Hey, I was with the good kids. 我那时身边都是好孩子
So when is something supposed to happen? 多久会起效?
About an hour. 一小时后吧
No. No... 不别接
Cary, I know you were supposed to have tomorrow off, 凯里我知道你明天应该放假
but we need you in now. 但你现在就得过来
Um... what? 什么
Cary's high on mushrooms. 凯里嗑药磕高了
Why, what...? Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay. 为什么...好好好没问题
Collecting the troops. 我在召集人马
Put everything on hold for 48 hours, okay? 48小时内其它一切事情暂缓
Cary's high on mushrooms. 凯里嗑药磕高了
You there? 你到了吗
I just got here. 刚到
What do you know? 现在什么情况
Diane's with the wife now. 戴安现在和女主人在一起
How bad does it look? 你那儿情况有多糟
Bad. 很糟
See what you can do, okay? 随机应变吧
Hey, Kalinda, what you doing here? 凯琳达你来干嘛
I just got a deposition get canceled. 我刚把一份证词作废了
I saw your lights. 看到了你们的警灯
What's up? 怎么回事
Homicide in the suburbs. 郊区杀人案
Better than Cirque du Soleil. 比太阳马戏团还精彩
Who is it? 死者是谁
Female, no ID, looks about 20. 女性身份不明20岁上下
Security guard says it's the babysitter. 保安说是保姆
What is it, burglary gone wrong? 怎么?入室盗窃临时行凶?
Come on, it's making me nostalgic. 拜托我很怀念老本行呢
I got a police scanner at home to keep me company. 我家里还放着警用扫描器呢
Hey, K, what's up? 凯怎么回事
Hi, Tony. 托尼
Just wanted to see the professionals at work. 只是想观摩下专业人士的工作
Civilians aren't welcome. 平民不得入内的
What? 什么
Come on, Lou, she's a friendly. 得啦卢她对咱不错
She scratches our back, we scratch hers. 咱得投桃报李
All right, I've got the security guard in here. 好吧我要去讯问保安了
The kids were fine; she took them to their grandparents. 孩子们没事她带到祖父母那里了
I said that she should wait for you guys here, 我告诉她该在这儿等你们
that you'd want to talk to her and Mr. Rucker. 你们会找她和拉克先生的
Mr. Rucker was with her? 拉克先生和她在一起?
No, it was just her. 不就她自己
I don't see the babysitter's car. 我没看到保姆的车
Who picks her up and drops her off? 平常谁负责接送她?
- Mr. Rucker.- Husband? -拉克先生-男主人?
- Yeah.- He's like a stay-at-home dad, right? -对-他似乎是个宅男父亲?
Yeah... yes, sir. 对...是的警官
He just lost his job. He's out of work. 他刚丢了工作失业了
Do you know where Mr. Rucker is now? 知道拉克先生现在在哪儿吗
At the movies. 他在电影院
We get a babysitter on Thursday evenings 我们每周四晚上请保姆
So my husband can take the night off. 好让我丈夫出去放松下
Otherwise he's home all day. 除此之外他整天在家
Have you been in touch with Jason yet? 你和詹森联系了吗
No, no. I-I mean, I've been trying his cell. 没我一直在打他手机
Could you write down his number? 能把他电话写下来吗
You don't think they'll think Jason...? 难道警方会认为詹森...
We have to prepare for everything. 我们得做好一切准备
Hi, you've reached Jason Rucker. 你好我是詹森·拉克
Please leave a message. 有事请留言
Mr. Rucker, this is Will Gardner. 拉克先生我是威尔·加德纳
I'm a partner at the law firm that represents your wife's company. 我是你太太公司的代理律所的合伙人之一
When you get this message, would you give me a call? 听到留言可否给我回电
It's extremely important. 有非常重要的事
Struggle here... 这儿有打斗痕迹
Here. 还有这儿
Blood spray. Crenellated. 血迹呈雉堞状
More struggle, more defensive spray. 这儿又有打斗又有自卫血迹
Handprint on the wall. 墙上有手印
What's this? 这是什么
Looks like the rubber nub from under a computer. 像是电脑底座的橡皮垫
Just a guess. 随便猜的
Oh, boy. 我的天
Is that the babysitter? 她就是那位保姆?
Yes. 是的
Lisa Pruitt. 莉莎·普鲁伊特
I-I found... 我是在...
She was in my bathroom. 是在浴室发现她的
I'm sorry to ask this, Sonya, 桑娅很抱歉这么问
But our investigator on the scene is saying 但我们的现场调查员说
there was marijuana. 在现场发现了大麻
Did Jason smoke pot? 詹森吸大麻吗
In college. 大学有过
Why? 怎么了
Sorry, you're...? 抱歉你是...
You get that a lot? 经常有人这样?
- Less so.- Sorry, I'm a news junkie. -还行吧-抱歉我很八卦
Your husband... I heard he's getting out. 你丈夫...我听说他要出来了
Oh, I don't know. 我不清楚
It changes day to day. 情况变化太快
I hope he does. 我希望他能获释
Thank you. 谢谢
Which floor? 去几楼
Oh, you just pressed it. 和你一样
Oh, you work at Stern, Lockhart. 你在斯特恩&洛克哈特律所工作啊
Maybe you know what this is all about. 那也许你了解情况
Something about my wife's company? 是关于我太太公司的事吗
Sorry. Junior associate... I'm the last to know. 抱歉我只是初级律师消息最不灵通
If there's anything, you just... 如果有问题你只需要...
Jason. 詹森
What's wrong? 出什么事了
What happened? 怎么了
Mr. Rucker, do you have a second? 拉克先生能谈谈吗
It's not a knife. 凶器不是匕首
Those aren't deep enough for knife wounds. 匕首的伤痕会比这个深
Looks like a blunt instrument. 像是钝器
Maybe it's something from the bedroom. 也许是卧室里的东西
Check the fireplace poker downstairs. 找找楼下壁炉的火钳吧
It's missing. 不见了
- But I just saw her.- You just saw her... the babysitter... -我刚还见过她-你是说
- when you picked her up?- Yes. -你接她的时候?-对
I picked her up at her dorm, 我从她宿舍把她接走
and I drove her to... 然后开车把她送到...
I'm in trouble? 我有麻烦了?
I'm the last one that saw her. 我是最后一个见到她的
- They'll suspect me?- Yes. -他们会怀疑我?-对
Oh, my god. 天啊
Then why...? 那为什么...
I need to go to the police, don't I? 我得去找警察是吧
I just spoke to them. 我刚和他们谈过
I agreed to surrender you in the morning. 我同意明早把你交给他们
But these first few hours of an investigation 但调查的最初几小时
are always the most important. 一向是最重要的
Anything can be misinterpreted. 任何轻举妄动都可能被误解
Won't my coming here be misinterpreted? 我到这儿来本身不就会被误解吗
Unfortunately, it's a risk we're going to have to take. 很不幸这是必要的冒险
This early in an investigation, 调查的最初阶段
it's all about leverage, 就是比手段
and you have the right to remain silent, 你有沉默权
so our leverage is 所以我们的手段就是
how much access we allow the police. 尽量不让警方接近你
They want more, we want less, 他们想更多地接近你我们则相反
so we're the gatekeepers to you. 所以我们是你的看门人
Yep. 对的
We're going to have you take a polygraph, Mr. Rucker. 你得做一次波动扫描拉克先生
It's not about truth or innocence. 重要的不是真相或清白
I'm sorry, a lie detector test? 抱歉是要给我做测谎?
Yes, I need information 是的我需要信息
so I know how much to let you talk versus how much to keep you silent. 以决定让你何时开口何时沉默
They're on their way to you now. 他们正往你那里赶去
They're not going to wait till tomorrow. 他们等不到明天了
How long? 多久后到
20 minutes, ten if they send someone from central. 20分钟若从总部派人就是10分钟
You have 15 minutes. 你有15分钟
I'm going to start hooking you up. 要给你佩戴装置了
Here you go. 给你
Thank you. 谢谢
In about five minutes 大约5分钟后
the police are going to burst through those doors. 警察就会破门而入
I need you to be on for the next 48 hours. 你们未来48小时都得是战备状态
That's how long they have to charge him with murder or release him. 警方在此期间会决定指控或释放他
It's now going to be the most crucial 48 hours of his life. 这将是他人生最重要的48小时
If they charge him, bail's a long shot 如果提出指控保释机会渺茫
and he could spend a year in prison before he comes to trial. 而且庭审前他可能得先在狱里呆上1年
Even if he's found innocent, 即便最终被判无罪
that's a year of his life gone, 他也已失去1年时光
So these 48 hours are gonna be like a mini-trial. 所以这48小时就相当于庭审
We're gonna get the cops to look somewhere else 我们得让警方转移视线
and get him released, okay? 从而释放他
I rode up in the elevator with him. 我和他一起坐电梯上来的
Either he's the best actor in the world 要么他是世上最好的演员
or he had no idea this happened. 要么他确实一无所知
Okay, good, it'd be nice if he was innocent. 好不是他干的再好不过
It's a better hand. 这样当然更有利
Come on, I thought we had an agreement. 拜托咱们可是达成协议了
- Jason Rucker.- Yes? -詹森·拉克-是我
Mr. Rucker, you are under arrest for the murder of Lisa Pruitt. 因涉嫌谋杀莉莎·普鲁伊特你被捕了
You have the right to remain silent. 你有权保持沉默
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. 你所说的一切将作为呈堂证供
Easy, easy. 放松点放松点
You have the right to an attorney. 你有权聘请律师
- If you can't afford an attorney, Jason! Jason! -如果你无力聘请律师-詹森詹森
- one will be appointed...- Sonya! -政府会为你指定-桑娅
Ma'am, no, you need to step back. 女士请退后
Okay, here we go... 48 hours. 开工吧只有48小时
The panic alarm was triggered from inside? 警报是从屋里被触发的?
Yeah... yes, ma'am. 对...是的警官
So the alarm wasn't triggered from someone breaking in. 也就是说不是闯入者触发了警报
It was triggered from someone already in? 而是本就在屋里的人
Yeah, that's why they're thinking the husband did it... 对所以他们会认为是男主人干的
Because he could disarm the system. 因为他可以解除警报系统
And who else can disarm the system? 还有谁可以解除警报系统
Who else, 还有谁?
uh, besides Mr. Rucker? 你说除拉克先生之外吗
Yes, Mr. Horner. 是的霍纳先生
Well, uh, housekeeper and Lisa, the babysitter. 还有管家以及保姆莉莎
- Miss Pruitt? - Yeah. -普鲁伊特小姐?-是的
What? 怎么了
You said "Lisa." 你刚说"莉莎"
Yeah, Lisa Pruitt. Why? 没错莉莎·普鲁伊特怎么了
What's the housekeeper's name? 管家的名字是什么
I don't know. 我不知道


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