





001 On March 11th, it will be 77 years since I first invested in an American business. The year was 1942, I was 11, and I went all in, investing $114.75 I had begun accumulating at age six. What I bought was three shares of Cities Service preferred stock. I had become a capitalist, and it felt good. (2018)



002 Before my Berkshire years, I managed money for many individuals through a series of partnerships, the first three of those formed in 1956. As time passed, the use of multiple entities became unwieldy and, in 1962, we amalgamated 12 partnerships into a single unit, Buffett Partnership Ltd. (“BPL”). (2020)


003 By that year, virtually all of my own money, and that of my wife as well, had become invested alongside the funds of my many limited partners. I received no salary or fees. Instead, as the general partner, I was compensated by my limited partners only after they secured returns above an annual threshold of 6%. If returns failed to meet that level, the shortfall was to be carried forward against my share of future profits. (Fortunately, that never happened: Partnership returns always exceeded the 6% “bogey.”) (2020)



004 As the years went by, a large part of the resources of my parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and in-laws became invested in the partnership. (2020)


005 Neither of us had any institutional investors, and very few of our partners were financially sophisticated. The people who joined our ventures simply trusted us to treat their money as we treated our own. These individuals – either intuitively or by relying on the advice of friends – correctly concluded that Charlie and I had an extreme aversion to permanent loss of capital and that we would not have accepted their money unless we expected to do reasonably well with it. (2020)




006 Of all our activities at Berkshire, the most exhilarating for Charlie and me is the acquisition of a business with excellent economic characteristics and a management that we like, trust and admire. Such acquisitions are not easy to make but we look for them constantly. (1992)



007 Charlie and I try to behave with our managers just as we attempt to behave with Berkshire's shareholders, treating both groups as we would wish to be treated if our positions were reversed. Though "working" means nothing to me financially, I love doing it at Berkshire for some simple reasons: It gives me a sense of achievement, a freedom to act as I see fit and an opportunity to interact daily with people I like and trust. Why should our managers - accomplished artists at what they do -- see things differently? (1999)


008 After the purchase, our role is simply to create an environment in which these CEOs – and their eventual successors, who typically are like-minded – can maximize both their managerial effectiveness and the pleasure they derive from their jobs.(2015)



009 We like todo business with someone who loves his company. (2000)


010 Berkshire's collection of managers is unusual in several important ways. As one example, a very high percentage of these men and women are independently wealthy, having made fortunes in the businesses that they run. They work neither because they need the money nor because they are contractually obligated to -- we have no contracts at Berkshire. Rather, they work long and hard because they love their businesses. (1999)


011 Mrs. B, Chairman of the Board, is now 91, and recently was quoted in the local newspaper as saying, “I come home to eat and sleep, and that’s about it. I can’t wait until it gets daylight so I can get back to the business”. Mrs. B is at the store seven days a week, from opening to close, and probably makes more decisions in a day than most CEOs do in a year (better ones, too).(1984)

董事长B夫人现在已经91岁了,当地报纸最近报道,她说:“我回家只是吃饭睡觉,然后盼着天亮,我就可以回来继续工作。” B夫人一周七天都在店里,从开门到打烊,她一天做出的决定可能比大多数首席执行官一年做的还要多,也更好。


012 Fechheimer is exactly the sort of business we like to buy. Its economic record is superb; its managers are talented, high-grade, and love what they do; and the Heldman family wanted to continue its financial interest in partnership with us. Therefore, we quickly purchased about 84% of the stock for a price that was based upon a $55 million valuation for the entire business. (1986)


013 The circumstances of this acquisition were similar to those prevailing in our purchase of Nebraska Furniture Mart: most of the shares were held by people who wished to employ funds elsewhere; family members who enjoyed running their business wanted to continue both as owners and managers; several generations of the family were active in the business, providing management for as far as the eye can see; and the managing family wanted a purchaser who would not re-sell, regardless of price, and who would let the business be run in the future as it had been in the past. Both Fechheimer and NFM were right for us, and we were right for them. (1986)


014 GEICO is managed by Tony Nicely, who joined the company at 18. Now 66, Tony still tap-dances to the office every day, just as I do at 79. We both feel lucky to work at a business we love.(2009)

Tony Nicely管理GEICO,他从18岁就加入公司了,现在66岁的托尼仍然每天跳着踢踏舞去上班,就像我现在79岁所做的一样。能从事自己热爱的工作,我们都感到幸运。

015 We possess a cadre of truly skilled managers who have an unusual commitment to their own operations and to Berkshire. Many of our CEOs are independently wealthy and work only because they love what they do. They are volunteers, not mercenaries. Because no one can offer them a job they would enjoy more, they can’t be lured away. (2010)


016 At Berkshire, managers can focus on running their businesses: They are not subjected to meetings at headquarters nor financing worries nor Wall Street harassment. They simply get a letter from me every two years and call me when they wish. And their wishes do differ: There are managers to whom I have not talked in the last year, while there is one with whom I talk almost daily. (2010)


017 Our trust is in people rather than process. A “hire well, manage little” code suits both them and me. (2010)


018 Some of our key managers are independently wealthy (we hope they all become so), but that poses no threat to their continued interest: they work because they love what they do and relish the thrill of outstanding performance. They unfailingly think like owners (the highest compliment we can pay a manager) and find all aspects of their business absorbing. (1986)


019 In our efforts, we will be aided enormously by the managers who have joined Berkshire. This is an unusual group in several ways. First, most of them have no financial need to work. Many sold us their businesses for large sums and run them because they love doing so, not because they need the money. Naturally they wish to be paid fairly, but money alone is not the reason they work hard and productively.(2007)


020 Much of myenthusiasm for this purchase came from Frank's willingness to continue as CEO.Like most of our managers, he has no financial need to work but does so becausehe loves the game and likes to excel. Managers of this stripe cannot be"hired" in the normal sense of the word. What we must do is provide aconcert hall in which business artists of this class will wish to perform.(1991)


021 Many of our managers don't have to work for a living, but simply go out and perform every day for the same reason that wealthy golfers stay on the tour: They love both doing what they do and doing it well. To describe them as working may be a misnomer - they simply prefer spending much of their time on a productive activity at which they excel to spending it on leisure activities. Our job is to provide an environment that will keep them feeling this way, and so far we seem to have succeeded: Thinking back over the 1965-95 period, I can't recall that a single key manager has left Berkshire to join another employer. (1995)


022 Most of these managers have no need to work for a living; they show up at the ballpark because they like to hit home runs. And that's exactly what they do. (1989)


023 Most of our managers have no financial need to work. The joy of hitting business “home runs” means as much to them as their paycheck. (2011-2017)


024 Equally important, our return was not earned from industries, such as cigarettes or network television stations, possessing spectacular economics for all participating in them. Instead it came from a group of businesses operating in such prosaic fields as furniture retailing, candy, vacuum cleaners, and even steel warehousing. The explanation is clear: Our extraordinary returns flow from outstanding operating managers, not fortuitous industry economics. (1990)



025 Having managers who love their businesses is no small advantage. (2010)



026 We have several things going for us: (1) we don’t have to worry about quarterly or annual figures but, instead, can focus on whatever actions will maximize long-term value; (2) we can expand the business into any areas that make sense - our scope is not circumscribed by history, structure, or concept; and (3) we love our work. All of these help. (1985)


027 Berkshire's ownership may make even the best of managers more effective. (1998)


028 At Berkshire, we do not tell .400 hitters how to swing. (1994)


029 The extraordinary delegation of authority now existing at Berkshire is the ideal antidote to bureaucracy. In an operating sense, Berkshire is not a giant company but rather a collection of large companies. At headquarters, we have never had a committee nor have we ever required our subsidiaries to submit budgets (though many use them as an important internal tool). We don’t have a legal office nor departments that other companies take forgranted: human relations, public relations, investor relations, strategy,acquisitions, you name it. (2014)


030 We will continue to operate with extreme – indeed, almost unheard of – decentralization at Berkshire. (2015)


031 Our job is merely to identify talented managers and provide an environment in which they can do their stuff. Having done it, they send their cash to headquarters and we face our only other task: the intelligent deployment of these funds. (1990)


032 Charlie and I will limit ourselves to allocating capital, controlling enterprise risk, choosing managers and setting their compensation. (2009)


033 We tend to let our many subsidiaries operate on their own, without our supervising and monitoring them to any degree. (2009)


034 We would rather suffer the visible costs of a few bad decisions than incur the many invisible costs that come from decisions made too slowly – or not at all – because of a stifling bureaucracy. (2009)


035 Fechheimer made a fairly good-sized acquisition in 1988. Charlie and I have such confidence in the business savvy of the Heldman family that we okayed the deal without even looking at it. (1988)


036 We have placed much trust in them - and their achievements have far exceeded that trust. (1979)


037 Berkshire’s job is simply not to meddle with the company’s success. (2020)



038 There is no job in the world that is more fun than running Berkshire and I count myself lucky to be where I am. (1992)


039 We have long had jobs that we love, in which we are helped every day in countless ways by talented and cheerful associates. (2005,2006,2009)


040 Indeed, over the years, our work has become ever more fascinating; no wonder we tap-dance to work. If pushed, we would gladly pay substantial sums to have our jobs (but don’t tell the Comp Committee). (2009)


041 For 54 years, Charlie and I have loved our jobs. Daily, we do what we find interesting, working with people we like and trust. (2018)


042 We prefer direct manager-to-owner communication and believe that the Annual Meeting is the ideal place for this interchange of ideas. Talking to you there is efficient for us and also democratic in that all present simultaneously hear what we have to say. (1995)


043 Nothing, however, is more fun for us than getting together with our shareholder-partners at Berkshire’s annual meeting. (2009)


(注:BRK的股东年会,1981年22人参会,近年每年4-5万人参加, 而BRK总部所在地奥马哈常住人口只有不到40万人。)

044 Finally, at Berkshire, we found what we love to do. With very few exceptions, we have now “worked” for many

decades with people whom we like and trust.(2021)



045 Talking to university students is far superior. I have urged that they seek employment in (1) the field and (2) with the kind of people they would select, if they had no need for money. Economic realities, I acknowledge, may interfere with that kind of search. Even so, I urge the students never to give up the quest, for when they find that sort of job, they will no longer be “working.” (2021)




046 Charlie and I, ourselves, followed that liberating course after a few early stumbles. (2021)



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