
英文 中文
I understand the need to blame someone 我理解你需要为自己丈夫的垮台
For your husband's downfall, 找个责任人
But I didn't release That sex tape to hurt you 但我公布那盘情色录像
Or your family. 并不是想伤害你或你家人
You should know, I was holding back. 你应该明白 我当时也很犹豫
Mr. Childs, 查尔兹先生
If you have something to show me, 如果你还有什么要给我看的
Just do it. 尽管来
Did you bury something? 你有没有隐瞒什么
We all know what's going on here. 我们都知道这是怎么回事
Peter Florrick was a corrupt and convicted 彼得·福瑞克是个腐败的
State's attorney. 并且已经被定罪的州检察官
If evidence was buried, he buried it. 即使有证据被隐瞒也是他隐瞒的
Alicia, i know this has been hard on you, 艾丽西娅我知道这让你倍受煎熬
But you have to believe me, I'm innocent. 但你得相信我我是清白的
Everybody shut up, and don't move! 都不许乱叫不准乱动
What you staring at? 看什么看
Get down! Kiss the floor! 蹲下趴地上
Chicago P.D.! 芝加哥警察
Don't move! 不许动
Don't look at me! Get down! 别看我趴下
Oh, come on. Talk about undue publicity. 行了讨论一下不当宣传吧
You're telling me that didn't affect the jury pool? 你们说这个对陪审员筛选没影响吗
No. I'm telling you it doesn't matter. 不是现在说这个没用了
We don't have the time. 没时间了
We have got...55 minutes 我们只剩下55分钟
To get the brief to the county clerk. We're late, 把辩诉状递交给郡政府递晚了的话
Clarence Wilcox stays on death row. 克拉朗斯·威尔科克斯就只能待在死牢了
We can't risk it. 我们不能冒这个险
We can't not risk it. 我们不能不冒这个险
The undue publicity argument is the weakest 不当宣传辩词是辩诉状里最为薄弱
Part of the brief. It needs more work. 需要更多的润色
Which would be a problem 要是不当宣传是辩诉状上的唯一论点
If it was the only part of the brief. 那就会出现问题
We've got five other solid arguments in there 可是我们还有其它5项充分的论点
To appeal wilcox's conviction. 为威尔科克斯的已定罪名上诉
Let's ask Will. 那问问威尔吧
He'll agree with me. 他和我观点相同
Good, then it'll be settled. 很好这就好办了
If it doesn't end up in the brief, 如果不把这些写在辩诉状里
Will can't use it in oral argument, right? 威尔也没办法口头辩论对不
This... This is crazy. 太疯狂了
There's no time to write it. 哪有时间重写
It'll mean open heart surgery on the brief! 这可意味着得改头换面
This is odd. 这是临时的
Yeah, we can compete tomorrow. 我们可以明天争取
We think there's enough time 我们认为还有足够的时间
To add another argument to the legal aid appeal, 添加另一项论点发起法律援助上诉
But we have to move quickly. 但是要快点行动
Quickly seems to be an understatement. 这是一个保守的说法吧
The time cut up 5 P.M. 最后期限是下午5点
There was a cable tv movie broadcasted 在挑选陪审团前一周
A week before jury selection. 有线台就开始播放这段影片
We believe it influenced the jury. 我们认为这影响了陪审团
Why didn't legal aid pursue it? 法律援助为什么没调查这个呢
We don't know. 不知道
We found it two hours ago. 2小时前我们才查出来
- Can you do it in 48 minutes? - Just. -能在48分钟内完成吗-勉勉强强
You're the faster typist. 你打字比较快
We need to get the cable viewership for Cook County. 我们需要拿到库克有线台收视率
All right, i'm on it. 好的我去查收视率
Undue publicity argument... 不当宣传辩词...
We're never gonna shove all this in before the deadline. 我们在5点之前肯定做不完
Which one? 哪一个
I got cable viewership from six years ago. 我拿到了6年前的有线台收视率
Give me the numbers. 把数据给我
It's not broken out by program. 但录像不是以节目形式播放
What?! 什么
We're not going to make it. 我们不可能完成的
Damn. 该死
Damn? Don't say damn. 别说粗话
Shh! This is gonna take an hour. 还需要1个小时
Go ask upstairs, ask him if he needs it. 去楼上问问他需不需要
Give me a section. 给我一部分
We're almost done with the tv movie argument, 电视影片的辩词差不多快完工了
But we can't specify the saturation of the jury pool. 但还无法摸清陪审团的态度
You don't have the ratings broken out? 还没查到收视率吗
- No. - Okay. -没有-好吧
We'll slip it into a friend of the court brief. 那就当法庭之友辩诉状处理吧
Just submit what you have now. 先把弄好的发过去吧
Legal aid couldn't handle the appeal. 法律援助解决不了这票上诉
They gave it to us a week 口头辩论前一周
Before oral arguments. 他们就把这个甩给了我们
Interesting? 这案子有趣吗
Clarence Wilcox. Apparently 克拉朗斯·威尔科克斯在一家杂货店
Killed an off-duty cop in a store. 堂而皇之杀死一名休班警察
He's been on death row for six years. 被判六年死缓
Legal aid thinks he got an unfair trial. 法律援助认为他受到了不公平审讯
But you know what the appellate courts think of technicals. 但是你知道上诉法院会怎么处理吧
- They'll kill it?- Oh, yeah. -驳回吗-对
Give me a section. 给我一部分
Finished pages, hand them over now. 完成的部分放到一起
You organize. 你来整理
Don't give them to me. Hand them to him. 别给我给他
Okay. 好吧
There's a typo there. 有个打错的
- No, no, no. - Shut up. -不对不对不对-别说了
- There. - Shut up. -那里-住嘴
Yeah, this is Cary Agos 我是洛克哈特&加德纳律所的
At Stern, Lockhart & Gardner. 凯里·艾格斯
We have a death row appeal coming to you... Now. 我们有一个死囚讼案发给您正在发
Yeah, well, if you don't mind, I'd like to 对不耽误你时间的话
Stay on the line and make sure you receive it. 我想确定您收到之后再挂断
Damn! Wifi's low! 该死无线信号好弱
Come on. 快点
Come on... 快啊
- Come on. - You're sure? -快点-你确定
You don't see it? 你没看到
Okay, good to know. Thank you very much. 好吧收到就好非常感谢
People of the state of Illinois V. 伊利诺斯州人民法院
Clarence Wilcox. 克拉朗斯·威尔科克斯案开审
Mr. Gardener, we've read your brief, 加德纳律师我们读过你的辩诉状
And we're now prepared for oral arguments. 现在进入口头辩论阶段
You may begin. 你可以开始了
Thank you, chief justice. 谢谢法官大人
May it please the court. 请允许我做以下陈述
Six years ago, 六年前
Clarence Wilcox, 克拉朗斯·威尔科克斯
A 24yearold Chicago man 24岁芝加哥人
Was arrested for the murder of a plainclothes officer 因在芝加哥南部抢劫一间杂货店
During the robbery of a grocery store in south chicago. 杀害一名便衣警察而被捕
It is our contention that 我们的论点是
Clarence Wilcox did not receive a fair trial. 克拉朗斯·威尔科克斯没受到公平的审判
He has spent the last six years on death row due... 他在过去六年呆在死囚牢房里
Mr. Gardener, 加德纳律师
Please explain your undue publicity arguments. 请解释一下你关于不当宣传的论点
Yes, your honor. 是法官大人
It is our contention that Clarence Wilcox... 我们认为克拉朗斯·威尔科克斯
How is it different from the Scott Peterson appeal? 这跟斯科特·彼得森一案有什么不同
It also involved a TV movie released prior to jury selection. 同样涉及在挑选陪审团前给其放映电影
Yes, well, your honor, 好吧法官大人
In that case, 在那案中
The TV movie didn't show 那部影片并没有
The Peterson character murdering his victim. 彼得森杀害被害人这一幕
In Cop Killer, 但在《嗜警狂人》里
Our client is seen shooting the victim. 却有我们的当事人被目击射杀受害人
Thank you, Mr. Gardener. 谢谢加德纳先生
That was a nice last-minute Hail Mary with the TV movie. 还好在最后一分钟搞定了电视影片
Judges love novelty in arguments. 法官喜欢新鲜的论据
Think you can you get a preview on the decision? 你认为你预见到最终结果了
Let's see what I can find out, 看看我能发现什么吧
But don't get your hopes up. 但不要抱太大希望
95% of automatic appeals are rejected out of hand. 百分之九十五的例行上诉都会被拒绝
Good job. 干得好
Excuse me, miss? 打扰一下小姐
Uh, sorry to bother you, but my name is Patrice Wilcox. 抱歉打扰我是帕特里斯·威尔科克斯
I'm Clarence's wife. 克拉朗斯的妻子
Oh, of course. I'm so sorry. I'm Alicia Florrick. 是的抱歉我是艾丽西娅·福瑞克
Do you know why Clarence wasn't in court today? 你知道克拉朗斯为什么今天没上庭吗
Why? 什么
Well, during automatic appeal, 在例行上诉时
The defendant's not usually seated. 被告一般不会出席
Didn't someone tell you? 这没有人告诉你吗
So you're his new lawyers then? 那你是他的新律师
No. Legal aid didn't have the staff to argue the appeal 不法律援助没有人手能上诉辩护
So we're on temporarily. 所以我们只是暂代
Because you never said anything about Clarence‘s innocent. 但你从未提起克拉朗斯是无辜的
Yes. Unfortunately, that wasn't the point of this appeal. 是的但实际上这不是上诉的重点
It was whether some mistake was made in the law. 那是关于审判过程是否公正
Isn't it a mistake in the law if he didn't do it? 要是他并没犯案这算是审判公正吗
If he was with me that night? 如果他那晚跟我在一起呢
Have you ever even met him? 你见过他吗
And you're arguing for his life. 而你却在为他作生死辩护
I want you to have this. 我想给你这个
That's the last time he held his daughter. 这是他最后一次抱他的女儿
We lost the appeal. 我们上诉失败
What? 什么
When? How do you know? 什么时候你怎么知道
The chief justice's clerk. 首席法官的助理
He sets up time for writing opinions. 他另排了时间来写报告
It was an easy no. 答案很简单失败
I thought we had it. 我以为我们成功了
To be honest, I did, too. 老实说我也以为是
So, what do we do now? 那我们现在要怎么做
Go back to the office. 回办公室去
Well, about the case. 好吧关于那案子
The case? It's not ours. It's legal aid's. 那案子那不是我们的是法律援助
Actual innocence? 确实无罪
We lost the automatic appeal. 我们例行上诉失败了
Now you want to appeal on actual innocence? 现在你又想以他确实无罪上诉
I read the trial record. 我看过审判记录
Defense never put his wife on the stand. 辩方从未传召他妻子上庭
She was his only alibi, and the jury never heard from her. 她是他唯一的人证但陪审员没理会她
Because wives lie. 因为妻子都会撒谎
I can't believe I'm having to tell you this. 我不敢相信这要我来告诉你
And she had priors. 她有前科
I read the trial record, too. 我也读了庭审记录
Juvenile priors. 少年时的前科
Oh, well, then, those don't count. 好吧那不算
What am I missing here? 我还漏了什么
When I worked at the state's attorney's office, 我在州检察官办公室工作时
We called these "appeals by hunch." 我们管这叫"直觉上诉"
This guy had his trial, 这个男人进行了审判
An expensive trial. 一场昂贵的审判
He killed a cop. 他杀了一个警察
- Allegedly. - No. -被指控为-不
12 jurors, strong and true, found him guilty. 十二个陪审员强烈肯定他有罪
That means not allegedly. 这说明这不单单只是指控
That means he killed a cop. 这说明他确实杀了一个警察
You know, sometimes 你知道的有时候
People with cute daughters and sweet little wives 一个有着可爱女儿和体贴妻子的人
Do bad things. 也会做坏事
Sometimes very bad things. 有时候还是非常坏的事
I'm not helping you on this one. 这回我不会帮你
Suit yourself. 随你喜欢
Cary wants to take a week on Clarence Wilcox. 凯里想花一周来调查克拉朗斯的案子
See if there's any foundation for an evidentiary appeal. 看能否找出什么论证来提出上诉
On actual innocence. 以"确实无罪"的名义
We think It's a good idea for a week. 把一周时间花在这上面不错
It's good promotable work. 这工作可以提升我们的形象
And, not to sound too cynical, 不是我说话刻薄
But it burns off the hours 这正好可以抵消
We owe the pro bono consortium. 我们欠公益财团的时间
So you two up to doing this? 你们俩准备好了吗
You did a good job on the Wilcox brief. 克拉朗斯一案的辩诉状你们做得不错
Bree sings your praises as a team. 布瑞直夸你们有团队精神
Sure. 当然
Why not? 有何不可
What? It's a good cause. 怎么啦这是好事
I'm just trying to fit this into the fuller Cary picture. 这事让我对你有了全新的认识
Hey, there aren't that many generations left. 嘿一共就那么几代人
You've taken the greatest generation, the lost generation, 你已经占了黄金一代迷失的一代
The pepsi generation, so what do we have left? 百事一代还有什么
The surprise generation? 惊喜的一代吗
So, surprise. 所以我就给你个惊喜
No. Look, the truth is, 不开玩笑了其实
His wife came up to me yesterday with his daughter-- 昨天他的妻子带着女儿来找我
--Really cute, you know-- and gave me this. 给了我这个那小女孩真可爱
What? It meant something to me. 怎么啦这让我挺感动的
Oh, wow. 哇哦
You think she has a car full of them? 会不会她满车都是这照片
Hey, it worked. We're on it. 至少这招管用我们就上钩了
I'm kind of liking her more now. 我对她更有好感了
Oh, Mrs. Florrick, 福瑞克夫人
Thank you so much for doing this. 真是太感谢了
Thank you. 谢谢
Would you have pursued it if I hadn't given you pictures? 要是我没给照片你们会追查下去吗
That's what I said. 我就说嘛
What, do you hand these out like party favors? 你以为这是派对小礼物可以随便发吗
Lawyers tend to forget he's a person. 律师常常忘了他也是人
Look, I love my husband. 我爱我丈夫
He's innocent, and I know 他是无辜的我知道
He's innocent, and I would do anything for him. 他是无辜的为他我任何事都愿意做
Anything. 任何事
- Patrice, how are you doing? - Good. -帕特里斯你好吗-很好
I just wanted to introduce you. 我刚想给你们介绍
Josh Baldwin. 乔希·鲍德温
Hey. Cary Agos. nice to meet you. 你好凯里·艾格斯幸会
Alicia Florrick. 艾丽西娅�·福瑞克


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