Thoughts of The Week # 07 1/What got you here won't get you there 上一期提到了...
Thoughts of The Week # 06 1/Non-linear learning 这周依旧读了一些Luca Dellanna的文章...
Thoughts of The Week #05 最近读Luca Dellanna的文章很有共鸣,以下是一些比较有意思的内容: 1/林迪效应 T...
Grant Wood, Spring's Oak Thoughts of The Week #04 1/ 解决一个迷宫“难题” 迷宫既简单又复杂...
Claude Monet, Zaan at Zaandam Thoughts of The Week #03 最近读了Venkatesh Rao...
Agnes Lawrence Pelton, Translation Thoughts of The Week #02 1/传统的价值 年轻人常...
János Mattis-Teutsch, Sunflowers 每到长假,都是看书充电的好时候,不夸张地说,每天都是好时候。 最近读到两本比较...
Thoughts of The Week #01 1/一加一不等于二? 视觉幻象无处不在,就像下面左边这张图,如果我们单独去看它每个部分,看不出...
Konstantin Korovin, Gurzuf 今天依旧跟大家分享Paul Graham的文章,名字叫Being a Noob Paul ...