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  • On writting Well-Chapter11&12

    Ⅰ、vocabulary 1、preponderance 意思:N-SING 单数名词 (数量上的)优势,大多数,主体 If there is ...

  • On writting Well-Chapter10(2)

    Ⅰ、vocabulary 1、thorny 意思:ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 (问题)棘手的,复杂难解的,令...

  • On writting Well-Chapter10(1)

    Ⅰ、vocabulary 1、insipid 意思:ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 枯燥乏味的;令人厌烦的 If...

  • On writting Well-Week1-Chapter1-9

    Ⅰ、vocabulary 1、arduous a.difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy 艰...

  • On writting Well-Chapter 9

    Ⅰ、Vocabulary 1、hooked 意思:ADJ 形容词 (被…)迷住的;(对…)入迷的 If you are hooked on so...

  • On writting Well-Chapter7&8

    Ⅰ、Vocabulary 1、mint 意思:to produce something new, especially to invent a ...

  • On writting Well-Chapter5&6

    Ⅰ、Vocabulary 1、gnaw UK[nɔ:]US[nɑ:] 意思:.VERB 动词折磨;使不安If a feeling or thou...

  • On writting Well-Chapter3&4

    Ⅰ、vocabulary 1、pompous 意思:ADJ-GRADED 自负的;自命不凡的If you describe someone as...

  • On writting Well-Chapter1&2

    Ⅰ、vocabulary 1、arduous UK['ɑ:.dju.əs]US['ɑ:r.dʒu-]adjective 意思:a.difficu...