今天路遇这样的一只小狗,走路艰难,我在想这个狗狗好可怜 遭遇了什么样的磨难。 正在我望着她出神的时候,他一瘸一拐的向我走来,停在我的脚边,尾巴一...
Chapter 27 - the narrator's afterthoughts And now six years have already...
Chapter 25 - finding a well, the narrator and the little prince discuss ...
Chapter 24 the narrator and the little prince, thirsty, hunt for a well ...
the little prince encounters a merchant "Good morning," said the little ...
Chapter 22 the little prince encounters a railway switchman "Good mornin...
Chapter 21 the little prince befriends the fox It was then that the fox ...
Chapter 20 the little prince discovers a garden of roses But it happened...
Chapter 19 the little prince climbs a mountain range After that, the lit...