240 发简信
  • 《中式英语之鉴》阅读笔记1:不必要的名词

    大多数不必要的名词都不是单独出现,而是出现在词组中,带有冠词和介词,在删除名词时,也要顺带删除冠词和介词。例如: 1. to accelerat...

  • 汉英翻译技巧:如何翻译无主语句子?


  • 汉英翻译技巧:如何翻译“XX化”?


  • 试译《今日简史》23

    One new model, which is gaining increasing attention, is universal basic...

  • 试译《今日简史》22

    Indeed, already today computers and algorithms are beginning to function...

  • 试译《今日简史》20

    From exploitation to irrelevance 从剥削到无关紧要 Potential solutions fall into ...

  • 试译《今日简史》19

    Obviously, most of this is just speculation. At the time of writing- ear...

  • 试译《今日简史》18

    Can you guess how long it took AlphaZero to learn chess from scratch, pr...

  • 试译《今日简史》17

    Similarly, human-computer centaur teams are likely to be characterised b...

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