New Yorker 小说 翻译 村上春树 英文小说 the Year of Spaghetti 1971 was the Year of Sp...
这是一篇宝典级级英语学习秘籍,其地位不亚于射雕英雄传中的九阴真经,亦或笑傲江湖里的葵花宝典。 看到的此文的人,轻轻滑过者,占百分之九十,剩下百分...
出入境,之所以能成为见证经济飞速发展的硬指标,不是为了非要在中外之间比出个高下,在在东西之间分个优劣,于土洋之别中论个输赢。 今天的中国,早已经...
C段 Having to deal with this persistent linguistic competition can result...
The Benefits of Being Bilingual B段 Research shows that when a bilingual ...
The Benefits of Being Bilingual A 段 According to the latest figures, the...
A Of all mankind’s manifold creations, language must take pride of place...
D The most extraordinary thing about language, however, is that one does...