240 发简信
  • The Office-S05E16

    wheeze喘息 intercom对讲机 P.A. function:public address system.It increases th...

  • The Office-S05E15

    Approval seekingbehaviour is intended to get moreapprovaland respect fro...

  • 2020-09-19

    dedicated telephone line 专用电话线 warrant 保证,授权 stock warrant:Astock warran...

  • The Office-S05E14

    这一集的笔记我加了很多听得懂但是不会说的表达 air duct 空气管道 hallway门厅,过道 No bunching ??? damp r...

  • The Office-S05E13

    这集我上次看的时候没看懂,因为讲话好快(我听力真的好差),这次慢慢看着字幕,终于弄懂了,也算是很有趣的一集哇 flea market跳蚤市场 s...

  • The Office-S05E12

    tamales:塔马利(西班牙語:tamal,纳瓦特尔语:tamalli),又译达玛尔、墨西哥粽,是中部美洲的传统食品。 由马萨或面团(通常基于...

  • The Office-S05E11

    nativity scene 耶稣诞生场景 desecrate亵渎 stuff into the draw:To shove, cram, or...

  • The Office-S05E10

    drum roll:a rapid succession of beats sounded on a drum, often used to i...

  • The Office-S05E09

    pastry 糕点 jerky:1. meat that has been cut into long, thin strips and dri...
