Prevention is the best choice to fight disease. In this sense, vaccines are vital to he...
20 June, 2018 Sunny Today I saw my classmates fighting each oth...
毕业五年,我凭外语增收十倍中国这么大,外语好的人其实有很多。但是如何将其变成一门谋生手段,拥有比上班更高的收入? ——题记 01 到今年年初,我硕士毕业五年了。回顾这些年的职业生涯,从自由职业、进国企...
Imagine that you are watching Avengers in a movie theater. When Thor is throwing his ha...
“When will my son come back home?” “Why hasn’t he sent a postcard back?” “Who is he pla...
@丁小隐 好的,谢谢!
我的 freelancer 经历文/丁隐 我现在在家工作,算是 freelancer(自由职业者),工作是英语本地化翻译。 两年前孩子还没上幼儿园,我就未雨绸缪,开始为自己的工作转型做准备。我毕业后从事的是...
我的 freelancer 经历文/丁隐 我现在在家工作,算是 freelancer(自由职业者),工作是英语本地化翻译。 两年前孩子还没上幼儿园,我就未雨绸缪,开始为自己的工作转型做准备。我毕业后从事的是...
‘Keep our secret between us.’ ‘I have a telescope that is so big that I can watch you c...
Being a transformer doesn’t mean you need to be like Optimus Prime and transform your b...
“Do you cook often?” a message sent by a father to his daughter in her twenties working...
@98760 谢谢谢。
Today's Chinese LanguageSince the first Confucius Institute opened in 2004,anincreasing number of foreigners ha...
@98760 中国人。。
Today's Chinese LanguageSince the first Confucius Institute opened in 2004,anincreasing number of foreigners ha...
People outside China think that Chinese eat everything. With this in mind, they venture...