240 发简信
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    教材选择:Psychology, 7ed, Peter Grey, David F. Bjorklund, Worth Publisher (2014),网盘链接 密码:y3...

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    Fundamentals of Musical Theory: A Brief Summary of Musical Notes and Octaves

    The notation system in this and following summary is "Common Notation". Literally based...

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    教材选择:Psychology, 7ed, Peter Grey, David F. Bjorklund, Worth Publisher (2014),网盘链接 密码:y3...

  • 【双语】佛学与经济学:何谓“稀缺”?


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    你我不必是心理学家也会明白:想要对爱情作出一个令所有人满意的定义,是一件十分困难的事。那么,心理学中关于爱情,有着哪些见解? 心理学家斯滕伯格提出了爱情三角理论,为我们思...

  • 【双语】《中国哲学简史》阅读随笔:宗教与中国文化的精神基础


  • Putting Evolution Back into Buddhism

    This essay is about viewing Buddha’s diagnosis of human predicament in the scope of evo...

  • Noble Truths (1): Buddha’s Diagnosis of Human Predicament

    A Few Words Forward Before heading to the theme, I want to address the issue of Buddhis...

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    上世纪70年代,一位年轻的认知科学家,大卫·马尔(David Marr)提出了一个很有意思的思想实验。 假如你发现了一台老式计算器(如下图),你对这个“小箱子”很感兴趣,...

  • @Willingheart Thank you for your following. Totally agree with you——each elaborately written article deserves concern.

    No-Self(1): Buddha's Critique of the Notion of "Self"

    (Previous writings on Buddhism are HERE) In the "No-Self" series of writings, I am goin...

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    No-Self(1): Buddha's Critique of the Notion of "Self"

    (Previous writings on Buddhism are HERE) In the "No-Self" series of writings, I am goin...

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    Are We the So-called "Big Children"?

    On this particular day, adults often joke at each other, sending "Happy Children's Day,...