功能 在使用jupyter notebook 或者 jupyter qtconsole的时候,经常会用到%matplotlib inline。 其作用就是在你调用plot()...
Cheng-Shang Chang, Yu-Hao Hsu, Jay Cheng, and Duan-Shin LeeInstitute of Communications ...
Michael Tartre and Bill LinIEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL. 14, NO. 3, MARCH 2010Abstr...
To all: This page is my draft note of the paper. I just picked some useful sentences (i...
Introduction A warning - Dr. Zhai's plagiarism event Purpose of the midterm presentatio...
计划 1.Michael Tartre and Bill Lin. Frame-Based Multicast Switching. 2010 2. 师兄论文 实施情况 本周...
MAB问题 Wiki定义 地址:Multi-armed bandit - A Problem in which a fixed limited set of resourc...
计划 在与老师交流后,调整阅读重点 1. 重读袁龙师兄和梁佳诚师兄论文,重点看他们分析问题的部分。 2. 读[2016]Non-blocking frame-based mu...
1 一些基础概念的纠正 Cell 信元:概念来自ATM(Asynchronous transfer mode). 一般指固定长度的数据分组。 In the ISO-OSI ...
计划: 1. 浏览目前多篇相关文献,找出与研究课题最相关的、可能值得借鉴的内容。 1)[2005]输入排队结构交换机分组调度研究 熊老师综述 建立总体认识 ...
Reference: http://www.radartutorial.eu/01.basics/Range%20Resolution.en.html Range Resol...
Reference:http://www.radartutorial.eu/01.basics/Distance-determination.en.html Distance...
Reference:http://www.radartutorial.eu/01.basics/Radar%20Principle.en.html RADAR:RAdioDe...
记录闪过心间的句子。 2018-10-21 2017-12-24 2017-10-03 2017-08-11 2017-05-10 2017-04-26 2017-04-02...
文章链接:http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~haipengl/courses/CSCI699/lecture14.pdf 这篇讲义主要介绍了Stochastic...
完整paper地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.5721.pdf Introduction Application: ad placement, w...