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  • Chapter 14 Pearl Lake

    For several seconds, I felt like the world had frozen in place. A thick silence followe...

  • Chapter 13 Dap-dap

    Kona’s screams continued to haunt the ears. It should have been impossible to escaped t...

  • Chapter 12 Kona

    It looked as if the boy had was melt with cold killer. He wore nothing but tattered rob...

  • Chapter 11 Vousi Again?

    Jumping off the building wasn’t quite as cool as the movie said, but still, I imagined ...

  • Chapter 10 Cubie Chaoes

    We snuck our way through the tightly strewn pack of stuffs. It was the moment that a pi...

  • Chapter 9 Thief Gril

    Someone shook me awake. My eyes snapped open to see a to-close face staring down at me,...

  • Chapter 8 The Missing Little Lord

    Relief chocked my throat. But, thing went very beyond the wrong. Then, horror—it was a ...

  • Chapter 7 Another Shawl

    The pacing soon triggeredanother wave of pain, making me sweat under all my layers. The...

  • Chapter 6 Secret Garden

    I lay flat on my back, breathing hard as though Ihad been running. My body was stiff li...

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  • Mock Moon- Chapter 5 Pelycosaur Street_1.1

    “Why do you call me policeman? What’s that mean?” abruptly Fox threw a question to me. ...

  • Mock Moon- Chapter 4 Strange Customer

    With my thoughts miles away, I was distantly aware that the door was cracked open, but ...

  • Mock Moon-Chapter 3 Mum’s Book

    Boyswhistled cheerfully, an unfamiliar tune. They swung their arms and moved easily thr...

  • Mock Moon- Chapter 2 Whispers

    Feel oddly buoyant as Imoved out of the door, and it wasn’t just because my hands were ...

  • Mock Moon-Chapter 1 Family Gift

    Dream is a peek-hole on the door of living, leading toward another life. I woke up in a...

字半夢,号半夢斋主,浙江人,好书画与写作,喜欢各类天马行空的幻想,现有英语小说Mock Moon连载中,系列山水作《半涧山里有清音》《野狐潭》《五龙潭问道》等