240 发简信
  • 原则10 计划扔掉一个

    principle 10 : plan to throw one away One of the most important critical success factor...

  • 原则9 调整对开发者和客户的激励

    principle 9 : align incentives for developer and customer Projects often fail because c...

  • 原则8 与客户/用户沟通

    principle 8 : communicate with customers/users Never lose sight of why software is bein...

  • 原则7 尽早把产品给顾客

    principle 7 : give products to customers early No matter how hard you try to learn user...

  • 原则6:低可靠性比低效率更糟糕

    principle 6 : poor reliability is worse than poor efficiency When software is not effic...

  • 原则5 不要试图改进质量

    principle 5 : don’t try to retrofit quality Quality cannot be retrofit into software .T...

  • 原则4 高质量的软件是可能的

    principle 4 : high-quality software is possible Although our industry is saturated with...

  • 原则3 生产力和质量是不可分割的

    principle 3 : productivity and quality are inseparable There is a clear relationship be...

  • 原则2 质量是旁观者的眼睛

    principle 2 : quality is the eyes of the beholder There is no one definition of softwar...

  • 原则1 质量第一

    A customer will not tolerate a product with poor quality, regardless of the definition ...